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Microschooling for the Pioneers at Your Dinner Table - Newsletter #2

Writer's picture: Ashley CampbellAshley Campbell

The Microschooling Movement has been a growing phenomenon in American education even before pandemic conditions interrupted school as we’ve always known it. 

With so much uncertainty swirling around what school will look like this Fall, we’ve heard from more Nevada families interested in microschooling in the past two weeks than ever. Many are not thinking of microschooling as a permanent commitment, just a way to reclaim some predictability and control, over the day-to-day realities which will define their children’s learning -- and their daily lives -- come summer’s end.

In Nevada right now, frameworks governing schools likely mean that microschooling need to be limited to homeschool co-op arrangements, for now. This means the essential details, including costs, tools and teachers, will be up to you, as families. Our work here is informed by microschooling experiences around the country, and by our own  expertise working with some of the top-performing personalized learning schools with best digital tools in the country. 

By incubating an affiliated constellation of microschools here in Nevada, we are working to help microschooling families control costs, support quality, and accommodate comings as goings as seamlessly as possible -- while still leaving the important choices up to families.

We are also working to play matchmaker to help families, and educators, build and connect with the best microschooling arrangements for your needs. So please, TAKE OUR MICROSCHOOLING SURVEY and help us learn more about your interests, and what your community is looking for.

These surveys help us find the best match for your microschooling needs and target in-demand tools and strategies. We also use these surveys to show the amount of interest in microschooling is rapidly growing, which is an important aspect of bringing helpful resources to you, the microschooling family.

Microschools are as diverse as the people who choose them. And that is exactly the movement we are working to support here in Nevada.

Most of all -- let us know how we can best help you support your needs. We work with a variety of schools, especially exemplary private and charter, and we love the schools we work with and would be happy to connect you with these schools. We are collaborating with a variety of people in the community to create this network of microschooling opportunities to meet this very real new demand we are hearing. City Schoolhouse in Louisville, Kentucky has 10-15 students learning with two teachers leading a whole-child approach. Kingdom Builders is a community of Christian homeschoolers which meets as a group once weekly for a full day of organized classes at a Methodist Church in Savannah Georgia, preschool through grade12 Mysa Microschool serves grades K-12 in Washington, DC combining place-based academic learning customized for each student with hands-on, interdisciplinary project-based learning.

We want to connect you with the best microschooling match for you! How do we do that? By finding out what’s important to you in our microschooling survey. Our short survey will ask you to tell us about your priorities, such as: 

Is a flexible schedule that allows your child to attend class and/or work from home important to you?

How important is it to you that your child has real-word experiences as part of their schooling?

What about the convenience of a multi-age group? This is beneficial for children, and allows parents to have all of their children educated in the same space.

Are you looking for specialized curriculum (Montessori, arts, faith-based)?

Take our quick survey and let us know what you want for your child.

Want to be a part of our Nevada Microschooling Connection? Let us know what you’re looking for (if you’re looking to join a microschooling group or looking to start your own), please include the grade range of your children and your email address.NO PERSONAL DETAILS, PLEASE.Email your connection request

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